- 禮盒裝:$105/盒 (3杯);$180/2盒 (6杯)
- Box Set: $105/box (3pcs); $180/2boxes (6pcs)
- Hojicha Panna Cotta with Milk Foam (焙茶)
- Matcha Panna Cotta with Milk Foam (抹茶)
- Chocolate Panna Cotta with Milk Foam (朱古力)
- Taro Panna Cotta with Milk Foam (紫薯)
* 四款口味自由配搭
* Mix and Match - Choose your own flavours combination
「奶蓋奶凍」系列以北海道 47% 忌廉以及日本牛乳製造,奶味香滑濃厚,頂層有口感幼滑 creamy 的芝士奶蓋,以咸香中和甜味,為奶凍添上多個層次的口感,令人吃了也不會覺得膩。
奶凍一共有 4 款口味選擇,全部都嚴選不同優質材料新鮮製造,絕無添加色素,每一款口味都別具風味!
精緻包裝,一盒 3 杯,送禮或自吃都一樣合適!
Panna Cotta with Milk Foam (GP)
- 所有「團購產品」需要在三天前預訂
- All of our "group purchasing products" need to be ordered at least 3 days in advance
- 運費需由顧客支付,如需查閱費用,請按這裏
- The delivery fee will be handled by the client, please click here to check the price
- 如需查看所有團購活動,請按這裏
- Please click here to see all our group purchasing events