「生酮榛子朱古力Tiramisu」100% 冇麵粉,竟然都做到海綿蛋糕嘅軟綿口感,而且餅底夠晒脆,朱古力蛋糕又有塗上濃縮咖啡,配合軟滑嘅 Macarspone 芝士,每一啖咬落去都同正常嘅 Tiramisu 口感一樣咁層次豐富,根本食唔出係生酮蛋糕!💯
Keto Hazelnut Chocolate Tiramisu
PriceFrom HK$498.00
- 所有蛋糕需要在四天前預訂,在輸入取貨日期及時間前,請按這裏查看我們的月曆
- All of our cakes need to be ordered at least 4 days in advance, please click here to check our calendar before entering the pick-up date and time
- 如需另外購買保溫袋、餐具、插牌等配件,請按這裏
- Please click here if you need to purchase accessories like ice bags, cutleries, plaques, etc.
- 運費需由顧客支付,如需查閱費用,請按這裏
- The delivery fee will be handled by the client, please click here to check the price